Section: Software
The Algolib library is a set of Maple routines that have been developed in the project for more than 15 years. Several parts of it have been incorporated into the standard library of Maple, but the most up-to-date version is always available for free from our web pages . This library provides: tools for combinatorial structures (the combstruct package), including enumeration, random or exhaustive generation, generating functions for a large class of attribute grammars; tools for linear difference and differential equations (the gfun package), which have received a very positive review in Computing Reviews and have been incorporated in N. Sloane's superseeker at Bell Labs; tools for systems of multivariate linear operators, definite sums and integrals (the Mgfun package), including Gröbner bases in Ore algebras, that also treat commutative polynomials and have been the standard way to solve polynomial systems in Maple for a long period (although the user would not notice it); Mgfun has also been chosen at Risc (Linz) as the basis for their package Desing, tools for expansions in general asymptotic scales, which make it possible to handle in a transparent and automatic way the problems of finding the proper scale for an expansion and of dealing with the indefinite cancellation problem (the MultiSeries package).